Venum- Movie Parody Fiction

Venum- Venom Parody book by Bridget Chase
Eddie Broccoli is a reporter. He came across a beautiful woman on the street and felt that she had a news worthy story somewhere under them clothes of hers. Following the two f%cking like prairie dogs, our pal Eddie finds himself with an S.T.D.; but, and that's a big 'ol but; like, a but that makes ya' go, 'Why me? Why me? Why me?' Eddie's STD becomes an entity; and an entity trying to take over. This stringy, black oil wants to bring the villain out in him; and, our boy Eddie, ain't the only person exposed. Nope; Evil Dr. Bad has found himself the perfect career criminal to test the toxicity of this parasitic biological tar. Like any greatly written, and uniquely creative story, this test gets out of control.
I'z needs'a SAMPLE, BITCH!
Internal Narration
He walked down the street. Rain guided him. Eddie was a little weird; also, he talked to himself regularly.
I’m Eddi Broccoli, and I’m a reporter. I talk to myself regularly and sometimes find myself questioning things the government might not be looking at.
Like this trash can.
Eddie examined its grungy tin exterior.
You might think this an ordinary garbage bin; but me, I see a story. That’s because my name is Eddie Broccoli and I’m a reporter.
He lifted the lid and looked inside.
There was garbage.
Okay, so maybe no story in this garbage can; but I’m Eddie Broccoli and I’m a reporter. I find myself questioning things that the government isn’t lookin’ at.
He walked down the sidewalk. Eddie was fucking weird. Like, he shouldn’t be that weird, but he was. He could be normal, but for whatever reason he’s adopted a pathetic slump-y spine and bitchy demeanor.
Oh, here could be a story, which is good because I’m Eddie Broccoli and I’m a reporter.
A hot blonde walked down the street.
She was wearing a red rain coat n’ shit; that’s news bitch!
“Hey,” Eddie said as she passed by.
Damn, man; she just kept on walkin’. Must be one of them prize bitches you gotta’ chase. She’s fine though; so, I’ll go talk-up that bimbo.
“Hey, wait; my name is Eddie Broccoli; I’m a reporter. I just wanta’ talk to you.”
“I’m not worth reporting on,” she said.
“Oh, yes you are. I have this brilliant idea for a story about fuckin women on the first date. The headline, is it worth it- yes or no? Should be ground breaking.” He ran after her.
“Oh, yeah?” she stopped. “Okay, Mr. Reporter; if you’re looking for a story, well, do I have one for you.”
“Oh great!”
“Well, that is, if you like looking at things that the government doesn’t look at?”
Yep, I’s in love alright; she was speaking my language. She was a hot piece of ass with titties like, HOT DA-YUM, GIMME GIMME!
Eddie smiled. “Hit me. What’s the four-one-one ‘n such? Damn, and might I say, you be pretty girl.” He mused his hair. “Think after our little reportin’ session I can buy you like, a piece of pie or som’fin?”
“We’ll see,” she said and smiled, “Follow me; we’re going this way, back to where I work.”
“Where’s dat?” He asked.
“VENUM Symbiotic INC.”
“Whoa, sounds high tech ‘n shit; you’s a smart bitch, huh? But, really, never heard of it.”
“My name is Anne and I’m a lab technician; and, I like to talk to people who others ignore.”
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