The Walking Meh; get'a book, get'a boner, have'a laugh

Explain, some...
Grab dat Root Beer Float and take a seat, we got this band of warriors who are fighting off the Undead. Following a terrible battle, and the entire team nearly killed, Maggie and Michonne are left all alone. That was until a new stranger entered the scene, by the name of Casey Jones. Some walks are easy; others super violent, but that's how it goes when you are- The Walking Meh.
Okay, lemme read'a bit-
Chaos gagged the land- fires chased the night. A band of heroes fought for their lives; lives which some might consider-Meh
Bloody pulp and putrid bile. Constant wrath;
Maggie sat in denial.
“I can’t believe they are all dead. What are we going to do?” she asked.
SLINK! Michonne flung gore off the end of her sword. She too couldn’t comprehend what’d happened. “We will survive, Maggie. We’ll keep going. For them and… for us.”
Maggie climbed to her feet. Her jeans and tank top were wet with entrails and dark matter. The bodies of her friends were indistinguishable from the corpses of the walkers.
“Hey ladies! Wow, that was some battle,” a voice said.
Michonne and Maggie twisted around. Michonne readied her sword. Maggie leveled her twin pistols and took aim.
The flames of a battle were dying, and the heat twisted the mysterious figure into a dancing phantom.
“Show yourself!” Michonne said.
“I come in peace,” the voice said.
Maggie asked Michonne in a whisper, “Who is it?”
“I don’t know; just stay calm. We can handle it.”
A man wearing a hockey mask came around the fire. “My name is Casey, Casey Jones.” He holstered a bloody hockey stick over his shoulder.
Michonne looked down her blade and asked the stranger, “What do you want? If you don’t want to die, you better turn and leave.”
Casey Jones smiled. Damn, would you look at these bitches. This place fuckin rocks! “I don’t want trouble. I’m lookin’ for something and saw the fire. Looks like you’ve been through hell!”
“We have,” Maggie said.
“What’s your names?” he asked.
Maggie looked to Michonne for approval. She nodded. “I’m Maggie and this is Michonne.”
"Nice ta’ meet ya,” Casey said, “You two have some hot ass tits with nipples pokin’ out everywhere like, GIMME GIMME! and look like you could use a good meal and guard tonight.” He pulled off his backpack and showed cans of food inside.

Hey, buy my shit; White Bread needz'ta finance a hot tub; Dayum, bitches ain't cheap, ya hear? Need money for booze'n drugs.

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